The Early Years...
Pre 1950

Siamese, although an ancient breed, were just becoming known and recognized as a breed in America during the first part of the 20th century. Although the classes at shows were large, the quality of the entries was variable, with only a handful of specimens meeting the written standard for the breed.

Come take a walk down memory lane. The cats are listed in alphabetical order.

Akfa Khan
Seal Pt Male Born 1947
S: Park Hill Tritoma
D: Biri Khan
CH Clonlost Yo Yo
Seal Pt Male Born 1949
S: Doneraile Dekho
D: Foxburrow Runtu
Doneraile Debutante
Seal Pt Female Born 1943
S: Oriental Silky Boy
D: Minky Salter
Doneraile Diane
Seal Pt Female Born 1948
S: Oriental Silky John
D: Doneraile Debutante
King Kesho
Seal Pt Male Born 1893
S: Tiam O'Shian II
D: Gracie
Lindale Simon Pie
Seal Pt Male Born 1948
S: Mystic Dreamer
D: Beaumanor Bricky
CH Newton's Jay Tee
Seal Pt Female Born 1941
S: CH Oriental Nanki Pooh of Newton
D: CH Wivenhoe Tarn of Newton
CH Oriental Nanki Pooh of Newton
Seal Pt Male Born 1938
S: CH Angus Silky
D: Sirius Valentina
Prestwick Apollo
Seal Pt Male Born 1937
S: Penybryn John
D: Prestwick Puji
CH Prestwick Penglima Pertama
Seal Pt Male Born 1946
S: Prestwick Person
D: Prestwick Piccanini
CH Prestwick Perak
Seal Pt Female Born 1924
S: Litabois
D: Puteh
CH Sancho
Seal Pt Male Born 1906
S: CH Kew King of Siam
D: Mom Pish Tush
CH Sapphyre of Hollywood
Blue Pt Female Born 1946
S: Pasha of The Dark Gauntlets
D: Dorcas of The Dark Gauntlets
CH Simple
Seal Pt Female Born 1925
S: Robin Goodfellow
D: Princess Cleo
CH Slightly
Seal Pt Female Born 1919
S: Southampton Sabian
D: Sita
Somme Det Tjao
Seal Pt Male Born 1931
S: Unknown (living in Siam)
D: Unknown (living in Siam
GC Vee Roi's Lantara Gene
Blue Pt Female Born 1945
S: Vee Roi's Blu Gene
D: CH Lantara of Dark Gauntlets
CH Wankee
Seal Pt Male Born 1894
S: Robert
D: Mons
First Siamese Champion (GCCF)


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